How do we stop the violence?

Dear editor,

The latest violence in Saskatchewan brings the perennial question “How do we stop these things from happening?” being voiced once more. The truth is there is no way to predict the actions of a perpetrator before the act. That is the reason these things shock us because we can’t believe such a thing could happen here. The only way to stop criminal behaviour before it happens is if the person with criminal intent comes forward and tells someone who has the knowledge and wisdom to deal with the issue before it becomes a tragedy.

An individual planning a crime must have some place to turn for intervention. Who are these people that can be called upon to listen to and help someone who has nefarious plans in his heart and mind: family doctor, social worker, police?

What avenue do we have in our society that works to prevent crime besides threats of incarceration or other punishment?

We need to reach people before they act by providing well-advertised, trusted individuals or groups that are prepared and qualified to help stop bad behaviour without threats.

Keith Thomson



Comox Valley Record