How many councillors do we need?

Dear editor,

It is with great interest I have been reading the thoughts of other letter writers and candidates in the November election.

Dear editor,

It is with great interest I have been reading the thoughts of other letter writers and the comments of the declared candidates in the November election.

Almost all of them harp on how our taxes must been kept down and how the councils must be more fiscally accountable, etc.

I have not seen or heard from any of them actually justifying themselves.

The City of Vancouver has a population of 600,000 and is governed by one mayor and 10 councillors. The City of Surrey has a population of 475,000 and has one mayor and eight councillors.

The Comox Valley with a population of 65,000 from Denman IslandĀ  to Black Creek approximately has three mayors and 18 councillors.

I think the first step in fiscal management is to look at how we are governed.

Darryl Turner,


Comox Valley Record