How many RDN directors, opponents of cell tower use cellphones?

Re: RDN opposes Telus wireless tower proposed for Cedar, Aug. 30.

To the Editor,

Re: RDN opposes Telus wireless tower proposed for Cedar, Aug. 30.

Could the reporters of the Nanaimo News Bulletin please do some investigative journalism and let the citizens and readers know how many of those protesting against and opposed to new cell towers currently use cellphones or other wireless devices that use cell towers?

It would be extremely hypocritical to protest against or oppose the construction of a new tower while at the same time using an existing tower which is located where people live, work, attend school etc., thereby subjecting those people to the ‘dangers’ that you do not want to be subjected to.

Because people who hold public office are subjected to a higher standard than other citizens, I call on all those of the Regional District of Nanaimo board who use cellphones to resign immediately.

Hang up or shut up.

P. Pelletier


Nanaimo News Bulletin