How was I to pay for parking?

Mother gets $80 ticket while calming her four-year-old son in Langley Memorial Hospital emergency dept.

Editor: Recently, I had to take my four-year-old son to Langley Memorial Hospital emergency. He had tripped and banged his head on some school bleachers, resulting in a concussion and a gash on his forehead.

When we had arrived, he was still vomiting, bleeding, and in obvious pain. I checked us in at triage, and then took him to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Without sitting back down, we were called in and he received the help he needed.

Numerous stitches and a couple of hours later, we went back to our vehicle, where we were greeted with an $80 parking ticket. When was I supposed to pay for parking?

Was I supposed to leave my four-year-old injured son unattended, in order to pay for parking? I appreciate the hospital and am willing to pay for general parking, but ER pay parking seems unnecessary, and in my case, it was impossible.


SU VanderHorst,


Langley Times