HST push not needed

Over the years I have finally come to the conclusion that our politicians, in general, do not hold members of the public, the taxpayer, to be precise, in high regard. They actually appear to think we are really stupid, and can  be treated as such.

The Liberals screwed us when they implemented the hated HST without any consultation with the people, they profess to represent, after saying  they had no intention of doing so. They definitely knew that the public didn’t want the HST, but put it in place anyway. Now efforts are  being made to get rid of it.

It’s now in place, against our wishes, and now the same people are spending  huge amounts of our money, on the media, to convince us to keep it.

Imagine, it’s our money/ tax dollars, that’s being poured down the drain in order to beat us into submission.

It also appears that if we do manage to dump the HST, we will be on the hook for millions of dollars more, to be returned to the federal government.

How sweet it is. Common sense seems to be in short supply when it  comes to our supposedly honorable representatives in Victoria.

I strongly believe that all our elected politicians are in it only for the huge salaries and juicy pensions, and not for the benefit of the people they are elected to  represent.

Governments have proven, time and again, they can’t handle our money in an intelligent manner, but continue to squander it as though there is an unlimited supply of it. You know, and I know there is a limit.

I suggest that these leaks in our money bucket be plugged, and get over it.

If they ran there family finances this way, they would all soon be bankrupt and living on the street, as many now are.

Sign me “Disgusted”.


Richard Parent

Chilliwack, B.C.

Chilliwack Progress