This week's hugs-to-slugs ratio is 6:2.

This week's hugs-to-slugs ratio is 6:2.

Hugs and slugs for the long weekend

HUGS. To the ladies in charge of the Mother Goose in the Summer Program.

HUGS. To the ladies in charge of the Mother Goose in the Summer Program. The fact that the program is for children 0 to 6 years old makes it quite challenging. You are handling the situation very well.

HUGS. To all the volunteers, vendors, and performers who make MarketFest a festive summer ritual and a great fundraiser for EcoSociety. Heartfelt thanks for all you do!

SLUGS. The Nelson Regional Sports Council asks that the person who removed the privately donated flower planter and hanging basket, which were removed last week from the entrance to the Nelson Sports Museum, be returned. Much appreciated!

HUGS. Great big bear hugs to the British Columbia Compassion Club Society and the Nelson Compassion Club for another year of your support on my behalf. I am so very grateful. I remain one of the blessed bunch. All of you are my most favourite personal heroes.

HUGS. To Robin and Colleen for enhancing our KVR bicycle trip. Thanks for the ride. You are the best!

HUGS. To the wonderful person who turned in the $200 cash I left behind in the CIBC ATM machine. Thank you so much for your honesty and integrity. The world is a better place because of people like you.

SLUGS. To whoever swiped my iPod touch from Ellison’s by the coffee dispenser! That was a graduation present and I would be really happy if someone would return it to Strutter’s Styles, please.

HUGS. Huge hugs to the wonderful man who bought beautiful bouquets of roses and had the florist randomly hand them out to shoppers! Not only did you make the florists’ day by being able to spread cheer to all the customers but you should have seen the smiles on the customers[ faces when presented with beautiful rose bouquets.

Nelson Star