Why don’t people like slugs? Look at this guy. He’s so cool. Anyway. Photo: Wikimedia

HUGS AND SLUGS: Happy send offs, more trash

This week's hugs and/or slugs includes some appreciation for our vets and Post Office employees

HUGS: To all you wonderful people who came into the Post Office to wish me well on my retirement. Your generosity and kind words almost made me sad to leave. Thanks one and all.

HUGS: To a local store that still respects its staff and customers’ basic dignity, and upholds human rights. I wish more businesses in town had that kind of integrity.

SLUGS: To the people dumping yard/construction waste on FSRs. You are making a mess, damaging the environment, and spreading invasive plants into the forests around Nelson. Giveout and Marsden roads are not the transfer station.

HUGS: To those who extend kindness to vet clinic staff. It makes working in the field worth it for all of us and makes our young staff want to study to stay in the field.

SLUGS: To those who leave their plastic bags outside for the wind to carry away! You’re single handedly hurting our wildlife! I picked up three plastic bags on my way home from Baker Street — a three-minute drive.

Got a hug or slug to send us? Email editor@nelsonstar.com.

Nelson Star