Osprey and fireworks don’t mix. File photo

HUGS AND SLUGS: No fan of fireworks

A reader takes issue with fireworks disturbing osprey

SLUGS: To the trail operator who put coarse gravel surfacing on the Great Northern rail trail above Nelson. Bad for cycling, bad for running!

HUGS: To people who support the practice of recycling unwanted items by conveniently placing them curbside or roadside for others to notice. But slugs to people who do not dispose of unclaimed items in a timely manner.

SLUGS: To the thoughtless person who shot off many fireworks by Taghum Hall below the osprey nest and left all your fireworks garbage on the ground. The chemicals in that garbage may of ended up in the water not to mention the countless animals you scared for your fun. NOT COOL.

HUGS: To the board of Granite Pointe Golf Club for their endless volunteer hours and efforts to save a valuable community asset while encouraging non-golf related public access to private lands and trails.

Got a hug or slug to get off your chest? Email editor@nelsonstar.com.

Nelson Star