Should people leave their trash, er, treasure out? File photo

HUGS AND SLUGS: Trash edition

Hugs to polite bikers, slugs to your garbage

SLUGS: To City Hall for closing the public washroom in a public building. Every visitor to that building is a constituent. Is there a valid reason to prevent hygiene?

HUGS: To the young teen who alerted us last evening that our elderly neighbour had fallen outside while gardening. She had been there helpless at least a half hour and may well have been there into the night without you responding to her and summoning help.

HUGS: To the bikers who holler “On your left” or “On your right” when passing, giving us time to make us safe. Hope this etiquette catches on.

SLUGS: To the folks who anonymously leave their Trash to Treasure stuff on my sweet boulevard, but then never collect the decrepit remains. Who are you? I realize I have THE best corner for T-2-T but I want it for my box of stuff that doesn’t get left out for days on end.

SLUGS: To those involved in the decision to rip down the forest adjacent to the golf course and destroy Mill Creek Trail. Shame on you for taking away a much-used, much-loved local trail from the Rosemont Community.

SLUGS: To those who use the brake check turnout near Ymir. No washrooms or garbage bins. You walk out and look over the bank and the garbage and toilet paper is enough to make you leave the area forever. Please could we get a group together and clean this up.

HUGS: To the kind and generous individual in the vehicle ahead of me at the A&W who paid for my order on Monday. What an unexpected surprise! I couldn’t believe it!

Got a hug or slug? Email it to

Nelson Star