Hugs and Slugs

Hugs and Slugs

Hugs and Slugs vying for equal billing this week

Slugs: Sorry but I have a slug in response to the hug about the post office. Slug to the post office, sent a birthday card Cranbrook to Medicine Hat on March 16th, as of this date the card has not arrived. Allowed 2 weeks for delivery, this does not encourage anyone to use the post office any more.

Slugs: Sorry but I have a slug in response to the hug about the post office. Slug to the post office, sent a birthday card Cranbrook to Medicine Hat on March 16th, as of this date the card has not arrived. Allowed 2 weeks for delivery, this does not encourage anyone to use the post office any more.

Slugs: To all of the smokers who throw their butts on the ground. I walk in Kinsman Park every day and pick up your butts. I see them everywhere I walk in Cranbrook, and find it hard to believe you don’t understand that it is littering. Cigarette butts take hundreds of years to disintegrate….please do your part and throw them in the garbage. A special shout out to the man who smokes in his car in the Kinsman parking lot off Victoria Avenue

Hugs: Huge hugs to all the grocery store cashiers, stockers, helpers extraordinaire. Your value is tremendous. Please know how appreciated your kindness and patience is to all of us. God Bless and stay well.

Hugs: To the front line staff, stores, gas stations, hospitals, homecare, truckers, farmers, news people, suppliers. God Bless you all and Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Stay well! You are so appreciated.

Slugs: To the five ATVers that use and used Cross Road north as their route Good Friday. Rules apply to those living outside town limits as well.

Slugs: To the man that walks his dog off leash in city limits by Gyro Park and encourages his dog to chase after the eight Canadian geese that have been feeding and resting there. If you want your dog to chase after something please invest in a chuck it stick and ball. Shame on you for teaching your dog to run after innocent wildlife all while they have been peacefully staying their distance from everyone who walks through and around the park.

Hugs: This is a special Thank you to Dr. Barnard and the entire emergency team of the Cranbrook Hospital. I was in his hands, bringing me back from a heart attack where resuscitation took six minutes. Having returned to the Emergency Department 10 days later for additional testing, the attending physician assured me that my life could not have been in better hands. I already knew that and want our community to know what our local emergency teams are capable of. Thanks again Dr. Barnard and Team.

Hugs: Huge hugs to Donna and the young man with her, both employees of Shoppers Drug Mart, who assisted me on Easter Monday morning about 8:30 a.m., when I took a spill in the Tamarack parking lot. They not only got me to my feet, but helped to pick up the purchases I’d dropped, and then provided tissues and bandages for my two bleeding fingers. My wife and I are most grateful to both of you for you kindness. Two grateful seniors

Hugs: Big Hugs to Jacqueline Blumhagen on the wonderful Baynes Lake Easter Egg Hunt. Jacqueline went on line and asked Baynes Lake to put up Easter Decorations in windows, fences, where ever you could, for the families to drive around and count. The community of Baynes Lake really came forward and created a wonderful, exciting Easter Hunt for the kids of Baynes Lake. One count came in at 246 decorations (Hugs Bevands’). Even some cows has easter eggs on them. HUGS to a community that came together for Easter under isolation. Hugs & love to you Baynes Lake!

Hugs: Big bunny hugs to the driver of the white Beamer who paid for our order at Tim Hortons on Easter Sunday afternoon. This was really appreciated and we thank you and will pay forward next time we are at Tims.

Hugs: To a very nice man as he helped us on Friday afternoon, April 10, at the Superstore parking lot. Our Volkswagen would not start but thanks to this young man with his special jumper cables, off we went. Yes Cranbrook is a nice friendly town, especially because of the helpful people like the man we encountered. Thank you again.

Slugs: We were out walking on Easter Sunday and saw a couple of neighbours with several cars outside their houses — so slugs to the people who had Easter day get-togethers despite the efforts by most people to observe social distancing!..If the Pope could celebrate Easter alone surely the rest of us could too!

Slugs: Huge slugs to Justin Trudeau and any other government official that think it is okay to tell people to “stay home” for the long weekend while they themselves go to their out of province cottage!

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Cranbrook Townsman