Hugs are back on top this week

Hugs are back on top this week

Good deeds and fine service receive praise this week.

HUGS: Hugs to the service staff at a local Nelson car dealership.  You saved the day with a window that would not close at the very end of the day!  You truly offer exceptional customer service!

SLUGS: Slugs to my neighbor that insists on burning his garbage in Upper Fairview. The smell of the burning garbage and plastics forces us to close our windows and stay inside. Please let the RDCK deal with your garbage and start recycling. It is really gross and not safe for anyone breathing those fumes in. Please stop.

HUGS: Hugs to the folks at the senior centre for helping everyone with their taxes this year.

HUGS: Hugs to the woman in the grocery store who was behind a man who had to put items back because of his budget. She took the items and purchased them for the man.  Your actions have touched many hearts. Thank you.

SLUGS: To the couple up Smallwood Creek Road. Your big, out of control dog not only scared the crap out of me when he attacked my new white truck, he also left his claw marks down the side. Thanks a lot.

HUGS: To the man who will return my wife’s bike. You were at the dump on April 2 in a silver pick up. I had taken the bike out of the trailer as I unloaded. When I came to get the bike it was gone and the dump man told me that you had taken it, probably thinking that it was a toss away. Please see the Lost/Found section for my number.

HUGS: Just wanted to send a big bouquet of beautiful flowers and hugs to the kind lady that turned in my wallet to the Nelson City Police. She left no name but doesn’t realize that every piece of ID and every credit card and bank account card and much much more was in that!  Silly me for leaving it on top of my car while picking up a heavy parcel to put in my car!  Thank you so much and may karma return the favour tenfold.

HUGS: Many and great big hugs to my wonderful neighbour who shoveled snow from my sidewalks all winter and now has raked off the boulevard of its accumulation of winter debris.  You are totally awesome!

SLUGS: To the creepy people who leave garbage in my mailbox. What is wrong with you?

HUGS: To the lovely young man who agreed, when asked, to take the photo of the lady in a local thrift shop.  You were so gracious. It warmed my heart to be a witness to the interaction. — A touched bystander

HUGS: To  the woman working at a local book store that helped me with a few extra coins when I didn’t have enough chore money to buy my bands for making bracelets. I did as you suggested and passed on the favour by doing something nice for someone else. — A happy and inspired little girl

HUGS: To everyone that needs one.


If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star