Hugs double up slugs this week

Hugs double up slugs this week

Many people in Nelson are thankful for the kind deeds of others.

HUGS: To the wonderful people at a local downtown boutique for finding my purse. It’s very special to me and thank you for putting it on Facebook and finding me. It was really kind.

SLUGS: A big slug to the people who take excessive amounts of the free bread donations that are delivered to one of the local charities each week. This bread and other baked goods is kindly and generously supplied by one of the major grocery stores here in Nelson (on an ongoing basis) and is given to aid people in need. After seeing several people take bags of bread from this charity, instead of what would be a reasonable amount like one or two loaves, I brought it to the attention of one of the staff members.

SLUGS: To all the people in Nelson who still shave off their dog’s coats for the summer months. You are not doing your dog any favor by doing this, far from it. A dog’s coat (cats too) is not only protection from the cold in winter but also from the heat and sun’s rays during the summer. Without their fur, they are susceptible to heat-stroke and sunburn much more quickly than they would be with their fur left on. Don’t shave your pooch!

HUGS: A big hug to B. P. for leaving a note on our SUV after scratching it at Nelson mall. All is well now. Thanks again from Balfour.

HUGS: Hugs to my wonderful husband who tirelessly picks up and recycles other people’s garbage on our daily walk to Red Sands Beach.  After 36 years of marriage, you still amaze me!

SLUGS: To all the so called environmentalists of the Kootenays. Another music fest has just finished where 10,000+ people bathed and added other body fluids to the river but none of you said a thing nor did the Ministry of Environment but if you drive a lifted truck or have loud exhaust, you are known as a “redneck” and frowned upon. Well I guess if you used biodegradable soap it makes it better for the eco system… shame on all of you. — Redneck Forever

HUGS: A great big hug to our boys in blue. Thank you for dealing with a very unpleasant incident at a local business so quickly and professionally. You guys rock!

HUGS: I would like to give a giant hug to the Kaslo/ Balfour bus driver who more than once refused to leave a girl hitch hiking on the side of the road. You are a great driver, a real gentleman and easy on the eyes too!

SLUGS: To anyone who has ever left a cigarette butt on a beach. Slug you.

HUGS: Hugs to anyone who leaves these beautiful public areas with more than they brought in.

HUGS: To Father C. for helping me in my time of need and his patience when I needed it most.

HUGS: Big hugs to our extended family and friends for helping us with the upkeep on our vacation home. You truly define the meaning of the word family!

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star