Hugs lead the offerings

To people who take the time share kind words about the work you are doing. It’s never a bad idea to provide people with positive feedback.

Hugs. To the parents who understood that the teacher’s struggle was really against the strong arm of the Liberal government and how they use our tax dollars to undermine public education. Hope your kids graduate soon!


Slugs. To the person who took a patchwork shoulder bag from Finley’s last week full of my favorite books and an important letter from friend in Scotland… Hugs to you for returning it back to Finley’s for me please and thanks!


HUGS. To people who take the time share kind words about the work you are doing. It’s never a bad idea to provide people with positive feedback.


HUGS. To the kind and wise couple who let us crash at their Christina Lake cabin last Friday night. Your hospitality was much appreciated and the example you set one of inspiration. Happy 50th anniversary.


SLUGS. To the house on Second Street that has a sign on the fence in front of the house to park elsewhere. It’s a public street sorry to say.


Slugs. To the person or persons who uprooted the Purple Smoke Tree from our lawn. According to the size of the trunk you left, a local nursery staff member estimated the tree to be 15 to 20 years old. I hope it doesn’t take you that long to achieve some sense of maturity. The other plants saw what you did. Someday they will talk. Perhaps you need more hugs than slugs.


Hugs. To Nelson city council for retaining Nelson Urban Trappers to help relocate the city’s skunk families. We can breathe again!


HUGS. To the organizer and volunteers of the junior golf program in Kaslo. Thank you for continuing to offer this program for the kids of our community.

Nelson Star