Hugs & Slugs

Hugs & Slugs from the Heat Dome Days

Astonished Hugs to Crystal Glass facility. Brought in two older style sash windows needing replacement panes. Informed it could be 7-10 business days to complete repairs, due to heavy demand. Two days later, they were ready for pick up! Well done indeed, for the much speedier than expected service. HUGS, also, to the two friendly young receptionists. Highly recommend this local business.

Astonished Hugs to Crystal Glass facility. Brought in two older style sash windows needing replacement panes. Informed it could be 7-10 business days to complete repairs, due to heavy demand. Two days later, they were ready for pick up! Well done indeed, for the much speedier than expected service. HUGS, also, to the two friendly young receptionists. Highly recommend this local business.

Hugs to all involved in the recent School District 5 retirement do. The outdoor tent space looked elegant and celebratory, COVID safety protocols were followed meticulously, the entertainment most enjoyable (big shout out to the sound system team), and the meal catered by Auntie Barb’s — so tasty. Congratulations to the retirees for their years of service.

Slugs once again to the thoughtless drivers (including some dump trucks) speeding along residential 13th Ave. S detour, due to continuing/neverending? road and waterworks remediation on 14th Ave. S. Slow down, already!!

Slugs: To the federal government, and here’s why. I am a senior retired person who neither owns, wants nor can use a cellphone, nor could I afford one. I want to visit the part of my family who live in the U.S. and to do so I must download an app to my phone with my vaccination record. My wife and I have carefully followed every health direction issued by our various governments for the past 18 months and are now faced with this! Why can we not use a printed version of our record? We can’t be the only people without a cell phone — can we?

Slugs: To people who do not respect Mother Nature and throw their garbage everywhere except into the receptacles provided. Please be responsible.

Hugs to the City of Cranbrook for getting rid of the ongoing stench from the turd ponds at the edge of town! It was pretty gross fir a long time. It is greatly improved!! Thank you!

Sadly, another Slug to the City of Cranbrook and their enforcement regarding the accumulating unsafe residence buildings and their unkept yards that have been neglected by owners. This creates a high degree of potential danger on many fronts with the added and significant drop in property value for the neighbourhood. I can’t say; “shame, shame” on you enough.

Slug to the city of Cranbrook for closing down the city campground. If you drive by it’s another eye sore just like the abandoned burnt buildings.The city could clean up the area open it up so you can empty the tanks on your RV and not have to wait in a line up every Sunday. Cranbrook needs another RV dumping station.

Hugs to Christian at Speedy Glass. His customer was great.

Hugs to Wendy Comfort for terrific service in delivering my paper. Thanks Wendy.

Hugs, hugs & more hugs for Jeremy at Neno’s. He has the most amazing customer service. I would totally recommend him to anyone.

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Cranbrook Townsman