HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs edge slugs 6-5

Are you a bus driver? A ski instructor? A potty-mouthed snow boarder? A good driver? A bad driver? There is a hug or slug for you this week.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs edge slugs 6-5

SLUGS: To the school bus driver who sprayed me with slush while I walked along the side of the road. Hugs to the other school bus driver who gave me space and consideration.

HUGS: Huge hugs to the bus driver who called in our chimney fire and our lovely fire department who came and checked things out. Thank you SO much for looking out for our safety!

HUGS: An enormous hug to city staff for keeping the paths at Lakeside Park in great walkable condition and for keeping one washroom open down there during the winter. This senior appreciates your hard work!

SLUGS: To those offering indoor soccer as a winter activity. Extra special slug for the parents who actually enrolled their kids in this activity. It’s winter, we live in the Kootenays, go enjoy it!

HUGS: To my Whitewater ski instructor, whose lessons imparted skills transferable to driving. I’ve been able to slalom adeptly around Nelson’s numerous — and deep — potholes and save my car’s suspension in the process … most of the time.

HUGS: To the wonderful man who put his snowshoes on for grip and helped push and guide me out of the morass of snow in the parking lot of Cottonwood Lake. Thanks so much!! And slugs to whoever is responsible for that parking lot. Why isn’t it plowed? It’s a heavily used recreational area!

HUGS: Big hugs to all my friends and family who brighten my day! Having the support and love from you all is wonderful and heart warming. Hugs to all of those who are in need of a hug this cold season. Everyone deserves words of kindness to help them get through the rough and tough days.

SLUGS: A big slug to those drivers who plough through stop signs at busy intersections. When the light is yellow slow down! Don’t speed up and then have to abruptly stop past the white lines when the light goes red. There are people who are ready to walk across the road or parents with children! Be safe and cautious drivers this 2016.

SLUGS: Icy, slushy slugs to the potty-mouthed ski boarders at Whitewater who caused a snowslide above us while we were crossing below on the cross country track. The small avalanche could have killed us! When my friend was knocked down, she nearly bashed her head apart and lost a mitten. Cross country skiers have a right to the outdoors too!

SLUGS: To us all for getting behind the wheel only to become bad drivers, not paying attention! Pedestrians are scared of us on our high horse. We feel because we’re in a motorized vehicle that we should be getting everywhere faster than everybody else. Feeling rushed? You need “Kootenay time.” Feeling discombobulated? You probably shouldn’t be driving! Pick up that Kootenay hitchhiker and let them drive a while. Please: slow down, follow the rules of the road, leave the phone alone, and turn the flippin’ LIGHTS ON.

HUGS: We live in one of the most beautiful areas of the world and I like to spend as much time outside as I can. I hike, bike, ski, snow shoe, golf etc. My hug goes out to all the drivers out there who move away from me (whenever possible). I really appreciate your gesture – pass this on to other drivers! Also, because I walk a lot, I want to pass this slug on to those people who throw their garbage and empty bottles out of their windows! How horrible – I can’t believe that people still drink and drive, let alone don’t recycle. Please take your garbage and recyclables home. Let’s keep our roadsides clean and safe for ourselves, our children and their children. —Appreciative and disgusted

Nelson Star