HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs prevail 5-2

Did you take in a scared dog for the night? Rescue someone from the ditch? Take someone’s wool mitts? If so, there is a hug or slug for you.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs prevail 5-2

SLUGS: To the transit system. On Dec. 18 I spent close to $70 to shuttle to the airport and back. Decided to take the bus and save some money. With flashlight and heavy bag in hand, I walked through the snow (having to stop six times to rest in about two blocks). Approaching bus whizzed by. Then had to trek back home and call a taxi. Tired 83 year old

HUGS: Big, cozy, snowflake hugs to the kind neighbour who took in a cold, scared, blond dog the night the fireworks started early and scared him away from his gramma’s house. When he came back in the morning he had obviously not spent the night outside and was very happy with his “spa” night. Bless your heart and dog smarts. Thank you.

HUGS: To the person who will honestly return my black wool mitts lined with fleece with a snowflake on top, to the customer service counter at Save-On-Foods, no questions asked. I trustingly had them in a green pull basket as I went about the aisles. I was also walking between home and mall and did not have anything to keep my hands warm for the walk home. Please, you’ll sleep better knowing you’ve done the right thing. “What goes around comes around.”

SLUGS: To managers who place their own job security and company rules over the use of human compassion and empathy. We all know you have a job to do but a better understanding of employees’ needs during a crisis is part of basic training in your profession. Guess you missed that part? If you’re reading this and it seems to fit your role then reflect and apologize. The moral to this is “be sure brain is engaged before putting your mouth in gear.”

HUGS: To the members of the Nelson Leafs who played shinny hockey with a group of much younger children and one much older man on the Lions Park ice rink this past Saturday afternoon. Your love of the game really shone in the way you encouraged the young children to be a part of the game. Those children were very excited about the opportunity to be playing with members of the Nelson Leafs. On that rink, this Saturday afternoon, you were exemplary ambassadors of the Nelson Leafs and hockey in Canada. I’m very proud of you. BTW: Congratulations on last Saturday’s win against Beaver Valley.

HUGS: Thank you and great big hugs to the good Samaritans driving on Highway 6 toward Nelson on Dec. 18. You saw me slide into the ditch and quickly came to my aid and rescue. I will be forever grateful and I am not sure how I would have handled it without you. Thanks to the young lady who directed everyone on what to do and to the young men who dug my car out! There was no serious damage to my car, myself or others that could have been in direct line with my slide. It’s nice to know there are helpful people such as yourselves out there. It restores my faith in humanity. Happy holidays and enjoy the snow!

HUGS: Big warm fuzzy bear hugs to the creative, visionary, inspiring, helpful, and talented artists/musicians/ actors/filmmakers in this amazing city I call home now. Many of you have more ambition than someone like me who just goes to a job four to five days a week that I may not enjoy that much. But I have a second job that allows me to check out amazing talent. Keep on going: you may not even know it yet but I am a huge fan of whatever amazing inspiration you’re conjuring up right now. Slugs to those who judge people by saying they have no talent, or consider people on assistance just bums on Baker. A small slug of advice: listen with your heart when they speak/open your eyes and minds to their art/breathe in and out/peacefully ask that they play their music/allow your soul to feel the beat and move to it. Quiet fan cheering loudly in my heart

Nelson Star