HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs triple slugs 12-4

Do you maintain trails? Did you find someone's hearing aid? Do you burn outdoors on the weekend? There is a hug or slug for you.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs triple slugs 12-4

SLUGS: To dog owners who leave their dogs poop bags in my garbage can and on my driveway. Take them home.

HUGS: Huge hugs to those who make and maintain the awesome trails and wooden bridges for all of us to enjoy.

HUGS: Gratitude for all the hard work the volunteers of Nelson do for us all. You are an important part of our community.

HUGS: To all the Nelson and area hearts that have touched mine. It’s a bittersweet sorrow to bid adieu. You will be missed.

HUGS: To the man at the mall who somehow successfully reunited me with my lost hearing aid. I am very grateful. Thanks.

HUGS: To my beautiful, talented daughter who mails her 90-plus-year-old mother in Montreal every Friday’s edition. Thank you. Mum

HUGS: To all those who let homeless people and addicts stay in their spare rooms and help get them off the streets. Politically incorrect satire

SLUGS: To the person responsible for the huge burn out in Blewett. Those of us with respiratory problems really appreciated the poor air quality on Saturday!

SLUGS: To our local newspaper for having a full complement of editorial staff without a single opinion among them. Instead of creating actual content, you fill the opinion pages with letters. Lazy.

HUGS: Huge hugs to my big brother for taking care of my men after their horrible accident. You drove them anywhere and nowhere and kept their spirits up. You are always in my corner no matter what and I love you for it.

HUGS: To my son and neighbour who spend time almost every weekend picking up garbage from the Lower Rosemont and Cottonwood Creek area. You are committed to your neighbourhood, town and the earth. Both of you deserve big huge hugs.

HUGS: Big hugs to the people who left an envelope on my windshield last week. I thought I had a parking ticket, but inside the ‘you rock’ envelope was a beautiful card that brightened my day and is still making me smile. Thank you. You rock too!

HUGS: To the helpful and generous high school shop teacher and students who helped me prepare my mason bee boxes with drilled holes I could not do myself. It takes a whole community to save a planet, one little bee, one little gesture of kindness at a time.

HUGS: To the people who stopped to check on me when I fell off my bike at Stanley and Hall Mines last week. I felt a bit foolish but then realized what a community I live in where others are ready to help each other. Thanks, this is what makes our community what it is.

SLUGS: Great green slimy slugs to those retirees who choose to outdoor burn on a weekend. Those of us who work only have the weekends to catch up on our gardening, and to enjoy some recreational time out in our gardens without billowing, smelly clouds of smoke sending us indoors. Could you not do this on a weekday?

HUGS: A great big hug to the driver of the blue Toyota truck who stopped and helped me get the back wheel of my bike back on! I had fixed the flat but got tangled in the chain and derailleur combo!!! I finished my ride, got home, cleaned my bike and have been practicing how to do it. I’ll pay it forward and help any stranded biker I come across!


Nelson Star