HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 10-3

Did you clean an alley? Go above and beyond for a customer? Share your water with parched paddle boarders? There is a hug or slug for you.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 10-3

HUGS: To the gentleman who cleaned the alley between Baker and Vernon streets and did a great job.

HUGS: To the SPCA for checking on a poor doggie stuck in a hot truck this past Saturday at the mall. Glad to know there is help for neglected pets when needed.

SLUGS: To the person who took my quarter I left on the meter when I went to my physio appointment. I knew the time would run out and left it for the meter man to plug.

HUGS: Great big hugs to the few bicyclists who have the courtesy and safety sense to alert walkers that they are coming up behind them A little common sense goes a long way.

HUGS: To the Nelson retail business who went above and beyond two weeks ago and stayed 45 minutes after closing to complete some business for me. I am so sorry I held you all up you rock. One grateful customer

HUGS: A big hug to the drivers who consciously share the road with us cyclists. We appreciate your courtesy and consideration. Cyclists can be vulnerable in traffic and it’s reassuring to know we’re watching out for one another. Thanks motorists.

HUGS: To the three beautiful (and topless) women on Kootenay Lake last Sunday who shared their water supply with two parched paddle boarders in search of a stream. The genuine Kootenay style hospitality was truly appreciated.

HUGS: As a newcomer to Nelson I am stunned by the quality of artistic ability of Nelson’s youth has displayed by recent performances. I am a retired teacher who has worked extensively in the arts with children in a large city and I have never seen anything better than what I have seen here in Nelson.

SLUGS: Big slugs to people always asking money in front of the stores on Baker St. I like being able to walk around the streets without being asked for change every block. I don’t even want togo into local businesses any more due to the fact that everyone is hanging out in front of the stores. The smoke from cigarettes is disgusting, and the loud music is annoying!

HUGS: A huge bundle of belated hugs to the two teenagers who found and returned my wallet to me. It had fallen out of my backpack while we were out for a hike at the Slocan Pool. They found it and returned it to me at my house, with all of the money still in it. And on Mother’s Day no less! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

HUGS: Young parents learn, sometimes the hard way, that there is a time and place for children. A concert is not the time nor the place to bring a baby and good judgment must be used as to how young is too young. Thank you for taking your baby out of the room when she/he began to fuss. Your young daughter on the other hand was impeccably well behaved.

HUGS: Big hugs to the amazing choir I had the opportunity to sing with this past weekend. Every single person has changed my life in the most spectacular way and being part of this talented group has been a dream come true. Thank you also to my beautiful director for making me feel so loved and accepted. See you all next year! One voice among many

SLUGS: A big gross slug to my neighbour who decided to start an illegal short-term rental business in his house, ruining a once-quiet family neighborhood. The constant parade of loud, drunken tenants has made it nearly impossible to enjoy my beautiful back yard or even open a window on a hot summer night. Also another slug to the city for not stepping up and doing something about this growing problem. The fallout from Nelson’s reputation as the “pot capital” of Canada is bad enough. Now you want it to become the party capital as well?? Responsible, hard-working families will never come here if every neighborhood is filled with loud music and multiple booze-soaked parties.

Nelson Star