HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 5-2

Did you return a missing bike rack? Let bears get into food scraps? Help make a tooth extraction painless? There's a hug or slug for you.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 5-2

HUGS: Big hugs to the musician at the Hume on Sunday. Walking in and hearing the theme song to The Littlest Hobo was a highlight in my day!

SLUGS: To the person who returned our missing Swagman bike rack to the parking lot of the local mountain bike park. We hope the rack was not taken on purpose. Happy mountain bikers

HUGS: To all the amazing crew at a local business and organization. Little dog and I love you and appreciate you all! Thank you! All you do for animals and their people is gratefully recognized and valued. What a great town!

HUGS: To our family dentist for making the serial tooth extraction plan my daughter is on as gentle and non-traumatic as he has. Thank you for letting mama be with her. We appreciate your gentleness, calmness and care you’ve taken with her.

HUGS: Lots of hugs to the Saturday golfing ladies whose donations really helped out two women who grew up here. They were able to purchase necessities for them and a baby after they were evacuated from Fort McMurray. Bless you all.

HUGS: To the disgruntled home owner who complains about the cigarette butt tossers on our beautiful roads and dry bushes. Last year, when I walked into town from four miles away, I counted 163 cigarette butts on the side of the road, and that was just on my side!

SLUGS: Huge slugs to the business that left food waste that a bear has gotten into not once, but twice, that I saw in the past two weeks — so probably more times than that! Congratulations — you are now responsible for the making of a garbage bear! Garbage bears are dead bears!


Nelson Star