HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 6-4

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 6-4

Do you drive a yellow dump truck? Or a bus? Do you show kindness to strangers? If so there is a hug or slug for you this week.

HUGS: To everyone. Please get water filters and lock your doors. It’s 2015, people!!!

HUGS: A big hug to all the bus drivers in Nelson for your safe winter driving this year!

HUGS: To the person complaining about sandwich boards because apparently you need one!

SLUGS: A big fat slug to people who speed through the roads this winter! Let’s keep the roads safe for this holiday season.

SLUGS: To the city for still not providing a paved pathway or street lights at the dog park. The pathways have potholes and mud puddles. The pathway is pitch black. After work there is nowhere else to walk our dogs. It is very dangerous. Please provide some light! Scared of The Dark

SLUGS: To the yellow dump truck that drove through the Vernon/Ward intersection right at 11 a.m. during the two minutes of silence for Remembrance Day. I’m only 33, but I remember a time when all the traffic on the roads would come to a stop at 11 a.m. It’s not difficult to remember as you see the extra cash for working a holiday on your paycheque.

HUGS: To the family of three whom I rescued on the highway by Whitewater two weeks ago. Your car ran out of gas, and you generously gave me $20 for my own gas. I wanted you to know I donated that money plus some of my own to Kootenay Kids for a family in need to buy their child proper winter gear. Thank you for your kindness. I hope we all can pay it forward at this time of year. A 20-Something Who Cares About Our Community

HUGS: Gigantic enormous fluffy bear hugs the late night crew at a local business for entertaining us with great beats, a friendly smile and a warm place for some to wait for rides. You are amazing and awesome no matter how long you have worked that day or week. You are always welcoming. Slugs to the few that feel the need to be mean and rude to these awesome late night workers. Shame on you and slimy slugs for you as well. The Ninja Minion

SLUGS: After nearly being hit by a vehicle in a crosswalk I feel compelled to slug someone. Three times this year I have had to run out of the way or was pulled out of the way by another pedestrian to avoid being struck by a turning vehicle at the corner of Stanley and Baker. I’m not a risk taker. I cross at the crosswalk with the green lights so why can’t drivers see me when they are pointing their vehicles right at me? I’ll tell you why: because they are distracted by their phones. They are texting or changing their music selection, or taking a call. The last one kept coming at me while I screamed and waved my hands over my head you know who you are, big white truck. How will you feel to know you’ve crippled someone because you had to reply to that funny text? #crosswalkkiller #loseyourlicence

HUGS: To the kind people of Nelson who show generosity to strangers. I am fairly new to this city and, after living in many places in BC and Alberta, I am now convinced that people are indeed different out here! In the span of one week I had a young guy offer me a loonie for parking after I dropped my last one into the recesses of my trunk while scrambling for something while my kids were fighting in the backseat. Minutes later an anonymous person paid for my coffee for no reason whatsoever (except perhaps sympathy as I struggled with my children). The day before I was at a garage sale and wanted some furniture but had no way to transport it and out of the blue a sweet new mom with a big truck offered to move it the two blocks to my place. She refused to accept money for her help. Keep up the kindness, Nelson, you make this city a warmer place!

Nelson Star