HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 7-5

Did you turn in an envelope of cash? Are you a compassionate landlord? A local aviator? If so, watch for a hug or slug this week.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win 7-5

HUGS: To all the volunteers and hours that go into making youth sports in Nelson what they are!

SLUGS: Big horrible slugs to people who rely on herbs and faith instead of taking their sick child to a doctor.

HUGS: To whoever looks after the Lions’ section at the soccer fields at Lakeside. It is such a joy to see that section when I walk there in the morning. Thank you.

SLUGS: To all you still burning your wood stoves on these warm spring days. It is time to allow those who have been forced to breathe your dirt all winter long some clean spring air.

HUGS: Hugs forever to the kind stranger who found oodles of cash in an envelope on May 1 and turned it in. Words cannot describe the gratitude and awesomeness that blessed my day because of you! Just wow!

SLUGS: (Not including GST) to all the grocery stores who play “background” music of singers screaming out their songs. Not at all relaxing! Please change your pre-programmed station for those of us who know music from noise.

HUGS: To the bakeries and coffee shops who have vegan and egg-free desserts! It is hard to find vegan treats out on the town and I love how more places are bringing in a variety of goodies. It makes my day when I can grab a dessert that I can eat. I wish more bakeries/coffee houses could bring in more options for a fast-growing market.

SLUGS: To the man with the silver-blue car and the black dog. While you were vacuuming your car, your off-leash dog was wandering near a busy highway towards my dog and I. Please keep your pup leashed if it is going to follow and growl at people with dogs walking by! Hugs to the owners who know when it is appropriate to let your dogs roam free.

HUGS: I want to submit a HUGE hug to the landlord who showed great gentleness and compassion (instead of judgment and anger) to a mentally ill tenant who caused a lot of damage (and work for him!) to her apartment. He helped her clean the place up, got her the help she needed and didn’t charge her a cent. Nelson needs more landlords like you!!!

HUGS: To the commercial and private aviators who follow the published rules and fly over the lake on take off at the Nelson airport. Thank you. Slugs to the commercial and private aviators who have total disregard for the published rules and continually take off over our Fairview neighbourhood, making it unbearable to enjoy our outside spaces. Shame on you.

HUGS: To the free bus service on Earth Day! However, I really have to hand out a few slugs to those who chose to do absolutely nothing, to not lift one finger to change one single iota of their lifestyle, especially those driving big rigs with big motor toys on the back of them (snowmobiles, skidoos, motorbikes, etc). Who are you trying to kid? It’s the hottest year on record. Hello? Pretty soon, we’ll have to celebrate Venus Day because that’s where we’re going to be, living on a broiling wasteland. But at least we’ll have our own, personal, air-conditioned Hummers.

SLUGS: Dear Nelsonites, I love you dearly/Though I fear some of you cannot see so clearly/On my bike you can give me quite a fright!/You don’t look left, you don’t look right/The morning commute ain’t always fun/No Oso yet, not even a breakfast bun/We all make mistakes and that’s okay/But this seems to happen everyday!/Just take ‘er easy, embrace Kootenay Time/Slow down, look around you, and it’ll be fine/Nobody wants an accident, especially me/You might get dent, but I’ll end up in the infirmary!/I don’t mean to be rude, it’s really true/But for now… slugs to you.


Nelson Star