HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win in a landslide

Did you find someone’s snowboard or car keys? Donate to a local hockey tournament? Dislocate your shoulder? There is a hug or slug for you.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs win in a landslide

HUGS: Oops, forgot to close the tailgate on the truck on the way up to Whitewater and my snowboard fell out. Big hugs to the kind person who stood the board up in a snowbank for me to find.

HUGS: Huge double hugs to two of Nelson’s finest, who hunted down the vehicle that backed into our truck and ran at 2 a.m. Your extra effort saved us an insurance claim and nailed the guilty party. Very appreciated!

HUGS: To the staff at a local supermarket who are so supportive and helpful to their patrons who needs extra help. It’s so brilliant to watch you get items, wheel the carts and even suggest dinner ideas; all with a smile and a positive energy. Good for you.

HUGS: To my boss for being so flexible and letting me take time for my children. I have been able to be apart of so many of their activities and events that had I been working at another jobI would have missed. It is more appreciated than you know, thank you!

HUGS: A huge fresh gingerbread/hot chocolatey/twinkly light warm hug to our secret Santa/elves who left a gift card inside our front door. You truly touch my heart and made my spirit bright. I only wish I could thank you in person but, this will do. Thank you!!

SLUGS: A slug to all of the decision makers who do not seem to think it matters that for up to 10 days in a row we can’t fly in or out of our local airport. The inconvenience and cost to residents and visitors is so real and the cost to the economy of the region is enormous.

HUGS: To all the people who make it possible for low-income citizens to have the opportunity for affordable dental care. We have dentists, dental hygienists and volunteering folks who give of their time and talent so others can benefit with professional dental care at a nominal cost. Thank you all.

HUGS: Big hugs go out to all the merchants that donated to a local hockey tournament. Your donations and kindness are extremely appreciated as they contribute to having a successful tourney and help create lasting impressions on all the visiting players and parents. Thank you kindly. – A Hockey Dad

HUGS: Gentle but heartfelt hugs to the letter carrier who dislocated her shoulder on our steps. Even though you were obviously in great pain, your only concern was to phone the post office right away to say that you couldn’t finish your route. What amazing dedication to your job! I do hope you are pain-free and fully recovered very soon.

SLUGS: To an apartment dweller. The deadly smell of the deer carcass rotting in your apartment has made some of us vomit and it’s hard on our breathing. Do you realize there are 50 or more people living here?You have no respect for other tenants. I don’t know if Interior Health knows about this, but the owner of this building sure will. This is a serious matter. Please think of moving out to the wooded area and live with your carcasses. Many slugs to you for the new year. I wonder if you had a hunting licence.

HUGS: To the very kind and honest person who picked up my lost car keys and left them on the parking meter that was by my car (a red Chev Aveo) on New Year’s Eve. It was after an appointment at a place on Baker St. at the west end when I was digging in my purse for my keys and could not find them. Luckily I had a spare, so I used that and got in my car and dug some more and still couldn’t find them. Then I decided togo back to the place of the appointment. However, I had to put more money in the parking meter so I went there and WOW, there on the parking meter were my keys. Thank you so much. Big hugs.

Nelson Star