HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs beat hugs 5-2

Did you butt in line? Find someone's phone? Help someone with a flat tire? If so, there is a hug or slug intended for your this week.

HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs beat hugs 5-2

HUGS: Big hugs to the city gardener who is artfully planting the flowers in the Gyro Park gardens.

HUGS: I’ve always wanted to write one of these and now I have a reason, thanks to the person or persons who found a phone in Kaslo and whoever else drove it to Balfour. I’m grateful to you. Introduce yourself and I’ll buy your coffee at least!

HUGS: Huge hug to the man from Bonnington Rd. who saw that I was struggling with my old rusted scissor jack on Sunday morning. It wasn’t like I was without and he still turned around and loaned me his bottle jack. My family appreciates you. You are awesome! Pass it forward we will!

SLUGS: To the person who butted in the beverage line at Rock of Ages on Friday night. Can’t imagine why you and your date thought your needs should be attended to first. The line was more than obvious, and the fact that you kept eyeing the line made it clear you knew exactly what you were doing. Not cool. Just rude.

SLUGS: To the folks always whining about high rent in Nelson. Try owning and managing a rental property in this town. You pay for maintenance, have high property taxes and must deal with damage from tenants and pets. If you have anything left over the government swoops in AGAIN and wallops those earnings at 43 per cent. Do us all a favour and move to Trail. I hear the rent is cheap there!

HUGS: Huge hugs to the most amazing nurse in the world. You have chosen the perfect profession to share your caring, warm and compassionate spirit with people. I now cross my fingers that you are going to be there every time I have to come into the emergency department and always breathe a little easier when you are. You are so fantastic at what you do. A grateful and inspired patient

SLUGS: A large serving of slugs for me, for stepping past some folks waiting at a crosswalk, and into that very crosswalk in front of the courthouse. I am sure my head was in the clouds. Hugs to both the woman who called out to me, as well as the fellow driving a large truck, towing a very long travel trailer. If it wasn’t for their quick actions, I might not have hit my 68th birthday next month. I apologize to all those there for my foolish actions, as like my day, theirs were probably ruined as well. More slugs for me for setting a bad example for that woman’s child. “Let that be a lesson to you!” she must have said, following the non-incident.

SLUGS: Big gooey slugs to the senior lady who insisted on jaywalking across Kootenay St. from the Bank of Montreal where it meets Baker St. on Tuesday. Three hundred and 35 pedestrian deaths in BC the last five years should prove that ignorance of the law can lead to you being seriously injured or even dead. This lady was six metres from a controlled crossing but due to being just plain lazy, decided to merrily walk out into traffic. Do you seriously think you have the right to break the law? I honked my horn at this lady as she nearly stopped and changed directions right in front of me. You wouldn’t be that smart looking up at the bottom of someone’s car.

SLUGS: To the crews who tore up Granite Rd. to create ugly ditches especially our nicely landscaped front area. We have never had drainage issues. We put our own pipes at the ends of our driveway to deal with water. The ditch was deep enough already. Now when we mow our front “yard” we slip and slide in the muddy swath you left for us. This is the second strike against you as you also cut down an ornamental bush we planted at the entrance to our driveway. It was not blocking anything. All this destruction of our hard work seems unnecessary. Apologies and some grass seed would be appreciated. You know who you are, and you know who we are.


Nelson Star