HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs beat hugs 8-6

Did you find a lost cell phone? Offer someone a discount? Complain about indoor soccer? There is a hug or a slug in store for you.

HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs beat hugs 8-6

HUGS: To people who don’t smoke out their neighbours with their wood stove. Appreciative lungs

HUGS: To the super dog that sniffed out a lost cell phone buried under the Fairview snow for well over a month. Treats to his awesome co-pilot too!

HUGS: For all the people who use the park to walk, socialize and get some fresh winter air. And hugs to all the happy dogs playing in the snow. You make my day!!!

SLUGS: To businesses that have forgotten that good customer service will keep people coming into your store. Big city (non-Nelson style) in-your-face advertising is not going to endear you to this population.

HUGS: Big hugs to my family and friends for all the encouraging words, cards and gifts I have received through my surprising dilemma. Thank you so much, good health to all of you. Enjoying my coffee in the morning again.

HUGS: To the woman who gave me her discount so I could purchase a vintage snowmobile onesie. I received multiple smiles, compliments, and conversation starters while wearing it out and about. Thank you for your generosity! You’re a beaut.

SLUGS: To the people responsible for NOT plowing the Kokanee Park parking lot and access road. This is an often used park and if you don’t own a truck with 4×4 it’s almost impossible to get to it. At least a small section of parking lot cleared would be great.

SLUGS: To the person who slugged soccer and told us all how to live. Are they handing out licenses to parent other people’s children at the top of all those Kootenay mountains you’ve been so self-righteously climbing this winter? I must go get one and parent yours.

SLUGS: Big slimy slug to the person who complained with a slug regarding kids’ indoor soccer activity. Playing indoor soccer does not mean you can’t ski, skate, build a snowman, etc. It sounds like you don’t have kids of your own. Mind your own business, please.

SLUGS: To the person or persons who took my 17” ASUS laptop computer in a black cloth case from a Nelson transit bus travelling from Ward and Baker to Balfour on the evening of Jan. 30. I need the computer for my schoolwork at Selkirk, so please return it, no questions asked. 250-505-9978

SLUGS: To any form of media who chooses to publish advertisements completely misrepresenting fact. It is the responsibility of the media to promote truth in advertising, otherwise we are exposed to ads, which do nothing but spread hate and propagate ignorance. How disappointing to see this in our communities!

SLUGS: To the indoor soccer critic! What business of yours is it what people choose to do with their kids? Some kids are absolutely brilliant! They can enjoy an hour of indoor soccer before they head to the ski hill! Obviously not something you’d think of! Also, don’t you think that our soccer coaches are entitled to earn a year-round wage?

SLUGS: To the business who didn’t follow my order for a sandwich. I know you are very busy during your work day, but when I pay $10 for a sandwich (the sandwich was to go) I expect to get what I asked and paid for. But HUGS for your hard work and for managing during the busy day.

HUGS: Half-smiled hugs to all the Baker St. buskers, who sometimes entertain. May your talent bring you peace. As an aside, shrieking loud blues may entertain the inebriated at a street corner, but it creates a corner of avoidance to everyone else. Scary-powerful voice, dude. Peace to you. Good energy, but keep it lowered for the sober amongst the crowd. I’ll “hug” you anyway (from afar, with ears plugged).

Nelson Star