HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs win 11-8

Do you break bottles along highways? Did you swear at some kids? Or let your dog steal another dog's toy? There's a slug for you this week.

HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs win 11-8

HUGS: Big hugs to my mom for quitting smoking.

HUGS: To the guy who wrote the “I like big butts” song.

HUGS: To the people who paid for my hot chocolate when I did not have enough money. Thanks!

HUGS: To pedestrians who wait for the walk signal (instead of stepping in front of vehicles driving through a green light).

HUGS: Big hugs to everyone who helped with the daffodils for cancer this past weekend and to those who bought the flowers.

SLUGS: To the person who picked the flowers off the bank at our cloverleaf. They were planted there for the enjoyment of everyone, not for you to pick.

HUGS: April, ’tis the month of the year/when poets from far and from near/get praise and big hugs/and certainly not slugs/’cause poetry month it is here.

SLUGS: To the imbeciles who break bottles along our highways. They create a danger to cyclists who must edge toward the traffic in order to avoid shards of glass.

SLUGS: To the man who dropped an F bomb in front of me and my friend and made us tear down our fort that we had made on public property.

SLUGS: To the designers and workers who turned the corner of Vernon and Hall into a blind dangerous intersection or dangerous blind intersection.

SLUGS: To the homeless man who got upset when he didn’t receive what I gave the other homeless man. Sometimes life isn’t fair. I would suggest you take control instead of relying on others.

SLUGS: To those who don’t pick up their garbage! Be thoughtful and put it in a garbage can. You can wait until you come across one instead of throwing it out of your car window or on the ground.

SLUGS: To a local restaurant that gave me a vodka Caesar when I asked for it virgin. Your patio is nice, but your servers should be more careful — especially when they’re serving someone who is clearly pregnant.

HUGS: Big hugs to the fine gentlemen who helped me to my feet after my fall on Ward St. Also to the girl who caught my dog. Everyone was so concerned and helpful. I have a badly broken wrist. Thank you, thank you,everyone.

SLUGS: To the city for their lackadaisical attitude toward cleaning the streets. The street will not be cleaned until flushed. The flush truck has been sitting in the city yard and it will not get done that way.

SLUGS: To this paper for using the word “thug” to describe the bear in the recent rash of graffiti. The only thing“thug”-like is the hoodie the bear is wearing. This word and association has been used to justify the persecution and even killing of black people in such cases as the Zimmerman shooting or even the Ferguson uprising. Check your language people!

SLUGS: Slugs to the dog owner who let his dog come into our yard and steal our dog’s Kong on a rope toy. I know you saw it as I witnessed you turn around while riding your bike down Innes St. It wasn’t your dog’s fault,it’s a cool toy, but if you could chuck it back in our yard, our dog would be very grateful. Even a nighttime drive-by chuck. No questions asked. Thanks buddy.

SLUGS: To whoever dumped a whole load of white poison powder all over and around the nest of industrious western thatching ants right beside the waterfront pathway. They were fascinating to watch and were doing no harm, so why? Did you not think about the danger to other wildlife, pets, and small children? If you don’t appreciate watching nature at work then stay indoors and don’t spoil it for those of us who do.

HUGS: Thank you to the men on the beach who heard my wife’s call for help and went up to the RCMP station to report our peril after my kayak tipped over by Lakeside Park in Nelson. Thank you to Nelson Search and Rescue, the RCMP, Nelson Police Department, Nelson Fire Department and BC Ambulance for their quick response. I learned a valuable lesson that life jackets are no use unless they’re on you when you go into the water.

Nelson Star