HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs win 6-5

Do you leave dog poop on the rail trail? Leave your aggressive dog off its leash? someone’s keys? There is a hug or slug for you.

HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs win 6-5

SLUGS: To the offensively loud Harleys coming out. GROW UP! Ride for your own enjoyment, not for attention.

HUGS: Thanks to a local group for the excellent job with grooming this year and continuing to be a voice for snowmobilers in the area.

HUGS: Thanks to the public workers who listen to our complaints about trouble areas on the sidewalks and roads and fix the problems. Grateful homeowner

HUGS: To the young man who found my keys near South Nelson School and brought them to Save-On. I got them back and you saved me a lot of trouble. What a great community!

HUGS: To the pharmacist who adjusted the dose and duration of my daughter’s antibiotics to the most up to date guidelines, and made sure the flavour was her favourite banana. Yum!

SLUGS: Big fat poopy slugs to the people who leave their dog’s poop in plastic bags on the rail grade for others to pick up. Be a responsible pet owner and dispose of your dog’s poop in a garbage bin.

SLUGS: A gigantic slimy slug to the people that graffiti or “tag” our wonderful city. What brings you to do this and why isn’t anything being done about it? It seems it is getting worse as I see buildings with graffiti everywhere!

HUGS: A hug to all the labourers at the pool site. As we exercise, we see each of you doing your job, working together to bring new life to this important community facility. You impress us with your skills, work ethic and dedication. Thanks from an ardent swimmer.

SLUGS: Big slugs to the person who insisted on leaving their aggressive dog off leash even after it pursued me at full force. Shame on you. You know who you are. Next time, your very strong and aggressive dog is going to harm a small child. Be a responsible dog owner and keep your dog on a leash.

SLUGS: A big slimy slug right between the eyes for the maintenance, or lack thereof, of the ski hill road in the past month or so! The potholes are so large in some places that a car could disappear and so numerous that they are unavoidable. You might try and fire up that grader that sits idle at the bottom of the road to plow the banks back far enough that when the snow melts it flows into the ditch and not down the middle of the road creating the potholes and deep water runnels. Getting tired of bashing my teeth and car to bits.

SLUGS: To the multiple people who feel it is acceptable to park in front of or too close to the fire hydrant in front of the CPR station at the bottom of Baker St. The city bylaws clearly state no one is to park within five meters for safety reasons. I understand parking is an issue in this part of town but please think about what you are doing. This bylaw isn’t just to inconvenience you, it is for everyone’s safety in the event of a fire. What would you do if the building you worked in was on fire but the fire crews couldn’t fight it effectively because they had to stop and deal with a vehicle in the way of the hydrant?

Nelson Star