Hugs win again

Despite some complaints, hugs come out on top this week.

HUGS: Big hugs to the young lady who backed my truck out of a parking spot after someone parked so close that I could not get in the driver’s side to back it out myself.

HUGS: Huge hugs to the crews who have kept the park, soccer pitches, hanging baskets and the flower beds all over town in terrific shape this summer with the immense heat we all had to endure. Holidayers walking in the park have been so impressed and we really appreciate your hard work.

SLUGS: Slugs to the bugs, the litter bugs. Please don’t throw your garbage out your window when you are driving, or anytime. Tired of picking up your litter in my yard on the North Shore — respect each other and the beautiful place we live.

SLUGS: Slugs to the person(s) who redesigned the parking lot next to the playing fields at Lakeside Park. Just how long do you think vehicles parked at an angle will be prevented from blocking the tracks because of a flexible roadside reflector?  The angle and parallel parking should be on opposite sides to what they are currently painted.  Wonderful that additional parking is provided but where is the attention to numerous pedestrians that do a walking loop in the park and their safety?  Are they supposed to mix with vehicular traffic?  Redesigns are supposed to improve the use and increase the safety by all parties — not just vehicles.

HUGS: Big huge hugs to all my amazing customers for the heart warming welcome upon my return to work at a local grocery. You are such a huge part of my life. I love you all.

SLUGS: Many slugs to the people/person who ruined summer vacation for my grandkids by carefully removing the 5’x5’ storage door from the back of their travel trailer and also the window cover from the front of the trailer while been stored on Upper Balfour Road. Take a moment and do a good deed and return it.

HUGS: Hugs to all of my very dear friends for helping me save my marriage. Hugs to my husband.

HUGS: Hugs to the awesome man who kindly lets people try out his slackline tightrope down at Lakeside Park. It makes a lot of kids smile.

HUGS: Hugs to the kind woman who took our dog in to her home when our dog accidentally got out while we were away and was wandering around in the street.  This woman took care of our dog and alerted the police that she had our dog.  Many thanks and may someone show you the same kindness if your dog takes a walk-about.  — Grateful for kindness

SLUGS: Slugs to the people recently on a Saturday night that vandalized several real estate signs in the Fairview area. This is a personal financial loss to the realtors and disrespectful to the homeowners.

HUGS: Great big hugs to the staff of a Taghum gas station. You guys are wonderful. Whenever I’m in there, all of the staff are always happy and full of smiles to each and every customer that’s in.


If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star