Hugs win again as they double slugs 4-2

Hugs win again as they double slugs 4-2

The holiday spirit seems to be infectious as compliments reign supreme.

SLUGS: To late night hitchhikers and pedestrians. Please wear something bright and reflective, and use a flashlight! It is very hard for drivers to see you in the dark.

HUGS: To the doctor and staff at a local vet clinic for sending us flowers after the loss of our furry family member. Thanks for being so supportive, gentle, and understanding.

SLUGS: To all the drivers out there who appear to refuse driving for the winter conditions. Now that winter is here, I have noticed people continuing to make poor decisions on the road and I have been cut off numerous times, again this morning, causing me to swerve and brake in potentially icy conditions. All I ask is that people stop and think before they get in their car everyday.

HUGS: I would like to send a big hug to my wonderful neighbour for clearing my driveway. You are one of the many people who make our area such a wonderful community to live in. Thank you.

HUGS: Hugs to the kind and knowledgeable man at a local store who helped me in cleaning and assembling a picture frame. I greatly appreciate your efforts and the opportunity to experience the “service” portion of “customer service.” You are an awesome marketing tool for your company and I will be sure to return for more business.

HUGS: A great big hug for our wonderful neighbor who did a fantastic job of refurbishing Mr. and Mrs. Claus for our Christmas display for everyone to enjoy. You truly are a talented lady. Thanks again.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.



Nelson Star