Hugs win by large margin

Hugs win by large margin

Positive thoughts and wishes were plentiful this week in Nelson.

HUGS: A huge hug to the entire community of Rosemont for their patience while the local safety patrol learns the ropes. These dedicated students are thrilled to be taking part in this program and to be helping out their fellow students.

HUGS: To all the people who send in slugs. I hope you have a better day!

SLUGS: To the adults who brings have their children in gymnastics who go out for a smoke and bring the stench of cigarettes back in with them. The viewing area smells of cigarette smoke so badly it has come to the point I cannot sit and watch my kid.

SLUGS: Big slugs to the person who is disposing of their compostables over their back fence. You are throwing your bear attractants into a school yard. Do you want to increase the chances of our local children encountering bears? Shame on you!

HUGS: To all those who ran in the Nelson civic election. Nelson is very fortunate for the quality of candidates that we have in our small city.  And to the challengers who were not elected, you brought good ideas and new energy to the forefront, and I hope you continue to contribute to the well being of our town.

HUGS: To whoever found items forgotten in our shopping cart in the grocery store parking lot and took it to the service counter in the store.

HUGS: To the man who tried to grab my peace placard at the cenotaph on Remembrance Day. You need something to defuse your temper. A hug?

HUGS: To the woman who led the angry man away from me. To the police officer who shook my hand. With all the police there.

SLUGS: Two years ago I voiced my frustration with the lack of not-for-profit Christmas cards in Nelson.  For a city that prides itself on being on the cutting edge it would be nice to have a opportunity to support groups during this annual time of giving. Not for profit cards can be more expensive, but usually more attractive and the extra cost go to a good cause. I expected more from our community.

SLUGS: To the older kids who use the leisure pool as though it were their own private pool. Some consideration for babies and toddlers who are too small to use the bigger pools as well, would be nice.

HUGS: To whomever decided to have curbside voting for persons with mobility issues! My senior parents were very pleased to be able to cast their votes in the comfort and warmth of my vehicle. The last time they voted was very stressful for them both, having no parking close by, and then having to walk (using canes) and stand in line. We thank you very much.

HUGS: To my husband for the flowers you sent on our four-month wedding anniversary.

SLUGS: Slugs to those in Nelson who feel the need to stomp on other people’s freedom of expression. By defacing, stealing and interfering with campaign signs, you’ve demoralizing the entire community.  Here’s hoping that people will be more respectful in the next election.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star