Hullcar water

Resident not impressed with the actions of the Ministry of Environment

It is obvious to this reader that the Ministry of Environment is in the wrong business.

They would do well as a propaganda branch of the Department of National Defence.

Instead of going into their meeting with the Save Hullcar Aquifier Team with an open mind for a discussion and ultimate solution to the problem, they went in to intimidate their opponents and emerge victorious.

They employed an age-old strategy for preparing for the conquest of the enemy.  “Before the opening of hostilities enlist the support of the masses by first demonizing the enemy.”

I see no problem with the notification of the RCMP of the upcoming event, but to ensure that the public is aware of the action gives away their motives.

The police are usually called to an event to protect the good guys from the bad guys.

I must commend our police force for seeing through the subterfuge.


Jim Davis




Vernon Morning Star