Humans are responsible for creating bear problems

Conservation officers are here to protect the people from the animals of our wild forests.

To the editor,

Re: Shooting bears the easy way out, Letters, May 30.

I am appalled at the letter writer’s response. Conservation officers are here to protect the people from the animals of our wild forests. I’ve been face to face with bears many times being in the back country. They run away because they are scared. If they become accustomed to their surroundings due to, let’s say, a piece of bread tossed to them or a sandwich or maybe a dead fish, guess what? That bear is ruined. People, do not be ‘kind’ to wildlife. Those officers probably had to do it because someone sometime ‘treated’ it. There is no way a bear will hang around unless it has human contact. Don’t interfere with wildlife no matter how you may think it’s kind, because it’s not.

Brent Patrick, Nanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin