Humans made this mess, we need to clean it up

Letter writer says it's up to all of us to keep forests, lakes and rivers clean

Re: Letter to the editor, Farmers respect nature

The issue is not about fish, frogs, ditches or farming.

It is about humans. Seven billion of us, and growing. It is about the earth being finite in her resources. It is about humans all of us farmers, suburbanites, & city dwellers. We all continue to take more, use more, waste more, resources than the finite earth has to give.

We cannot clear every forest, farm every inch, build everywhere and survive as a species. We all need nature. We all need to sacrifice for the survival of all species, including humans.

Can any of us really say that humans are not the cause of these problems? We all need to face reality that humanity is destructive, we have all created a huger problem, for fish, frogs and for humans.

We need the earth, and all its inhabitants, to survive successfully. We all need to make sacrifices to fix the damage we are all responsible for. Yes, Agassiz has been farmed for the last hundred years, but for thousands of years before that it was wetlands, forests, lakes, it was a place where bears and frogs and elk lived.

The fact that a few have managed to hang on by a thread is not proof of stewardship. I would gladly share my few acres with any farmer feeling like having to plant a few trees along a ditch is really doing harm to the future of the planet. Humans are responsible for this problem. Humans need to solve it.

What are you willing to sacrifice for your grandchildren?

Lynn Amaral

Agassiz Observer