
Humans not the only ones that call earth home

It is hard for me when I drive by a carcass on the road that has been killed by a car or truck.

Humans not the only ones that call earth home

Re: Too many deer.

Hi, just like to add my support for the letter about deer on Dec. 31, 2020. My response is, um, hey buddy the earth is their home too. I have a sign outside my house that says “Expect Deer and Elk” to remind cars to be aware of the wildlife in our area, be careful, be cautious. It is hard for me when I drive by a carcass on the road that has been killed by a car or truck. The earth is their home too and that goes for all the other species we share the planet with. I hope we can adapt gently to this realization and quit polluting and destroying their habitat, we are not the only ones trying to have a good life here.

Jane Wilson

Honeymoon Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen