Hydro crying wolf regarding Comox Valley water supply

Dear editor,

To the Under the Glacier cartoonist — your cartoon in the Tuesday, Jan. 14 edition of the Record was right on the mark.

Dear editor,

To the Under the Glacier cartoonist — your cartoon in the Tuesday, Jan. 14 edition of the Record was right on the mark regarding our water supply  from Comox Lake and how it is appropriated to all of us in the Comox Valley.

If you would have had three kayaks in the water tap stream, people may have questioned Hydro’s decision to dump millions of litres of water to accommodate wild river kayakers at least three times by my count.

Now, Hydro is claiming drought conditions, as Comox Lake is at its lowest level in years, and is unable to produce power or protect our fish habitat, etc.

How can Hydro dump millions of litres of water at least five times in 2013 and now cry wolf regarding our water supply?

L. Cagna,



Comox Valley Record