Hydro errors not the cause of smart meters

Lately, I’ve noticed a sharp increase in the number of media reports about BC Hydro billing errors.

Lately, I’ve noticed a sharp increase in the number of media reports about BC Hydro billing errors. Invariably, smart meters are claimed as the supposed cause of these billing errors. But are they really the cause or are there other, more mundane, reasons for these billing errors?

As someone who experienced a BC Hydro billing error a couple of years ago due to an “estimated bill” – long before smart meters were in place in this province – I really have to question whether digital smart meters are at fault. Digital technology is well-proven and very accurate. So I seriously doubt smart meters are the problem.

I also find it curious that the media never seem to follow up on these billing error stories once the error has been investigated by BC Hydro and the actual reason for the error has been determined. Why not?

Just once I would like to see some follow up by the media on this subject.

Could it be that stories about how a BC Hydro employee may have simply misread a smart meter and entered the wrong data, or stories about how a BC Hydro customer was simply not familiar with their actual electricity consumption history, don’t make for the kind of sensational news items the media seem to be looking for in relation to smart meters?

I really have to wonder about this, because mounting evidence shows that the apparent surge in BC Hydro billing errors has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with human nature and human error.

Bruce Sanderson


North Vancouver, BC



Clearwater Times