Hydro fees are punitive

How is it that for 38 years there was no charge for meter readings and now the “hold-outs” are being charged $35?

It appears to me that BC Hydro is uttering testimonial inexactitudes every time they speak.

Why is it that now, with only 60,000 “regular” meters still in operation, they need 200 to 500 more meter-checkers? How many meter-checkers were they using when they had to monitor everyone before the changeover? It seems to me the amount of resources needed to monitor the regular meters should be drastically reduced.

How is it after having the ability to estimate my meter (same one) for the last 38 years, they cannot now estimate it four times a year and annually inspect it?

How is it that for 38 years there was no charge for meter readings and now the “hold-outs” are being charged $35?

I suggest that BC Hydro is not “compensating” for non-transmitting meters, but are penalizing customers for not conforming.

Electricity theft will still happen and the folks who are still “balking” are not likely to be the ones that are “stealing.”

All these “fees” are punitive and are only meant to force the rest of us who have legitimate concerns to fall in line.


Norrie Hathaway

Surrey Now Leader