Hydro payment revision baffles client

Imagine my surprise, on opening my February Hydro bill, to find that BC Hydro has gone back over one year and revised all costs

Imagine my surprise, on opening my February Hydro bill, to find that BC Hydro has gone back over one year and revised all costs. Now, they want me to pay more than double my usual monthly amount.

Going back through my Hydro folder I find that a smart meter was installed on my home in April 2012. Since December 2012, all my bills have been “estimates.”

One would have thought that with the smart meter, accurate billings could have taken place. This seems counterproductive.

Also, I am asking myself “why have I bothered to clear a path through the snow to my meter if it hasn’t been read anyway?”

One would have thought that a contract involves an exchange between two parties of something of value, and that when that exchange has taken place, legally the contract has been concluded. However, BC Hydro seems to think that by putting the word “estimate” on their bills they can revisit the contract at any time.

The sad thing is that the consumer has very little recourse.

Call me a disappointed customer.

Al Christie


Salmon Arm Observer