Hydro’s heavy-handed compliance message not received well

letter to the editor from Linda Ewart - Hydro’s heavy-handed compliance message not received well

To the Editor:

In the second week of September, B.C. Hydro sent a very heavy-handed message to British Columbians about compliance with their “Meter Choices Program.”

This is significant news that is deserving of attention, and an important community announcement that is of interest to a substantial percentage of your readership.

It needs to be clarified in a timely way that the deadline given in that letter for a response is not appropriate or lawful.  To respond to that letter would be a serious mistake, as the information in it was unauthorized by the BC Utilities Commission, whose approval is necessary for any fees, let alone extortionary ones, to be set in motion.

Regardless of whether or not they have a smart meter or an “old” analog meter, this message is not sitting well with British Columbians, and many are trying to find out how to join the class action underway against BC Hydro.

Since the details of the class action are as yet a mystery to the majority of British Columbians, due to a lack of specifics in the media regarding the process, I am including a link to more information about how to participate in the class action as follows:  www.citizensforsafetechnology.org.

Linda Ewart

White Rock, BC


Barriere Star Journal