
Hyper-partisan politics has brought about near collapse

One can only hope that saner minds will prevail and right the ship of civilized governance.

Hyper-partisan politics has brought about near collapse

Following the calamitous events of Jan. 6 south of the border, I’m moved to make a few comments.

The appalling state of hyper-partisan politics there has descended to such depths that the very institutions of a democratic society has approached a condition of near collapse.

One can only hope that saner minds will prevail and right the ship of civilized governance.

Argumentation about methods and processes of forming a democratic government through properly managed fair elections is one thing, but to deny the results and refuse to concede to the rightfull winner, even after having over 60 court challenges (to overthow the vote count) defeated by various levels of the judiciary, and then go on to inflame the passions of thousands at a partisan political rally, tellng them to march on the seat of the duly elected members of the U.S. Congress in an attempt to prevent the certification by the electoral college of the results of the presidential election by force, is quite another (to say the least)! On the face of it, it is nothing more than to incite insurrection. (By a sore loser, I might add.)

Donald J. Trump had so whipped up that crowd, (even calling his own VP a traitor), that the rioting mob chanted “hang Mike Pence” as they ran amok through the halls of the capitol building — the most sanctified symbol of American democracy.

If it had not been for the actions of the congressional protection unit in rushing the congresspersons to “safe rooms” there, I fear there would have been several assassinations during that infamous debacle.

One reason why hyper-partisanism of the “ultra-right” has become so vicious, in my opinion, is that social media on the internet has enabled to propagate the ridiculous conspiracy theories of “the deep state” and the “evils of globalism”. One of the most ridiculous is the one called “QAnon”, aimed at the Democratic Party, charging it with absolutely diabolical crimes (without a shred of evidence). These claims against the left of the political spectrum are aided and abetted by commentators on the Fox Network, Newsmax, etc.

Remember this: “Those who can be convinced of absurdities, can also be convinced to commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

The political fraud of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” comes to mind. And we know what that led to, i.e., the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.

One can only hope that that history is not now repeating itself.

Glen Rolfe


Cowichan Valley Citizen