I am extremely grateful to everyone at Campbell River Hospital: letter

On the 20th of May I woke at 04:00 extremely ill. In fact I have never felt so ill.


On the 20th of May I woke at 04:00 extremely ill. In fact I have never felt so ill.

Paramedics took me to the hospital and I was in I.C.U. for eight days. I am 81 and I almost died. I had Sepsis.

My reason for writing is to publicly thank all of the people who saved my life. Paramedics and all of staff at the hospital were magnificent. They work 12-hour shifts, day and night and some their tasks are unpleasant but they always have a smile. I cannot praise them enough.

When my appetite returned and I was eating again I was able to appreciate the hospital meals. Even though I am diabetic and a vegetarian, I was given several choices for every meal. The food was excellent!

I am extremely grateful to everyone at Campbell River Hospital. Thank you all.

Bill Taylor.

Campbell River Mirror