I can relate to airport noise

So much for the anticipated joy of lazy, quiet mornings of retirement.

Re: airport noise.

As if it is not enough having training planes flying in circles over my property day after day, there is now the added pleasure of bird cannons firing off sometimes as early as 5:30 a.m. I can now relate to the unfortunate people living in the middle east.

These bird cannons, I am told by the Airport Authority, are necessary to scare the birds off the airport property. I am sure the birds will become just as immune to the cannon noise as those fake owls that are used to scare off seagulls. The Vancouver airport uses bird dogs — much quieter and more effective but too expensive, according to the VAA.

Having lived by the airport for over 20 years, and for the most part enjoyed, I am now facing the prospect of selling my home (if anyone will buy it) and, in the meantime, wearing earplugs.

So much for the anticipated joy of lazy, quiet mornings of retirement.

M. Hansen, Sidney

Peninsula News Review