I don’t understand ‘lawn’ but I understand rules

MIKE'S MUSINGS: Water, it seems, is all anyone is talking about right now

With the above-average temperatures and the province dealing with one of its worst fire seasons in history, water is certainly at a premium these days.

Even BC Hydro is starting to sound worried about the lack of precipitation, recently releasing water downstream to preserve fish habitat and our drinking water supply during this “unprecedented” weather and creating a need for “responsible decision making for a ‘just-in-case’ scenario,” according to spokesperson Stephen Watson.

Water, it seems, is all anyone is talking about right now. Whether it’s a simple, “Gee, we sure could use some rain,” as idle chatter between shopper and cashier or a rant online about how people shouldn’t be watering their lawns with photos of people’s property who have their sprinklers on, discussion on the topic runs the gamut from polite to the downright vile and bordering on harassment at times.

I’ve never understood the concept of lawn, personally.

Sure, I enjoyed playing sports on grass as a kid (and still would, if I was in better shape and wouldn’t get winded and collapse in the first minute of whatever game was being played), but personal lawns have always baffled me as a concept.

Why would you want something that takes a ton of effort to maintain, uses a precious resource inefficiently, and is costly to replace when you mess it up, covering your yard?

Having asked that rhetorical question (please don’t write to me telling me why you like having a lawn), if that is something you want, and you take pride in it, you should be allowed to maintain it within the rules set down for that maintenance.

If it’s your day to water, and you’re doing it within the hours set down by the municipality, water away, my friend. As our Wednesday editorial said, “It’s dry, but we’re not a desert yet.”

I don’t understand getting mad at someone doing a thing you don’t like, if what they’re doing is something they are allowed to do. It makes perfect sense to get mad about the rules that allow that thing, though.

You don’t get to be mad, as far as I’m concerned, if someone is traveling 120 km/h on the Inland Island Highway, because you think that’s too fast to be safe. You do, however, get to be mad at the people who made that the speed limit.

People who call out lawn-waterers for maintaining their property within the guidelines set by the municipality, should instead turn their attention to the municipality.

How many of those people have been at city hall lately addressing council asking why we’re still at Level 1 water restrictions?

If people are watering their lawn outside the proscribed hours or days, by all means, go have a chat with them.

But maybe lay off people who are doing things they’re allowed to do, and turn your attention to the people who allow it.

Campbell River Mirror