‘I have nobody to blame but myself’

Dear editor,

I have been caught with LSD. I am unable to express to the community how truly sorry I really am.

Dear editor,

I have been caught with LSD.

I am unable to express to the community how truly sorry I really am. I really wish this did not happen but I have nobody to blame but myself.

Unfortunately, even though these were my actions the community has been affected by it. Being part of a community means you are supposed to do things to help the community.

Clearly I have not.

I have tied up hours of my time where I could be doing something more useful but more importantly, other people’s time has been wasted and it is my fault.

I can promise the community that I will never do anything like this again and I will do my very best to prevent anybody else from making the mistakes I have made. Unfortunately, I cannot change the past but I am able to start a better future for myself and the community.

Editor’s note: This letter was written anonymously as a condition of a settlement reached with the help of the Comox Valley Community Justice Centre.


Comox Valley Record