I love Castlegar

Letter writer well pleased by neighbourly actions in a stressful situation

I love Castlegar


Where to start? I guess there is one point I need to make and one I want to share. Let’s start with the one I want to share.

I was born and raised here and after college I moved to Calgary.  After five years living there my husband and I started a family and knew it was time to go home and be close to our families again.

It was tough growing up here. It’s such a small town I could hardly go anywhere without someone who knew either of my parents seeing me. Now I want the same for my children, because what that really was, was others looking out for me. Honestly, who couldn’t use a little help nowadays?

Fast forward and we have been back in Castlegar for more than four years. And tonight my love for Castlegar and it’s people grew tenfold. I have been walking Broadwater Road almost daily since May. I was almost three quarters of the way home when a truck passed me, and as soon as it passed me I saw them put on their brake lights. I thought nothing of it as I continued my walk (with very loud music to keep me going), maybe they reached their destination. Then I saw them turn around, maybe they forgot something, or needed some directions. As they approached me they slowed to talk to me. I took off my headphones and the couple in the truck told me there was a very large bear across they highway from me and my two-year-old. She looked back across the road and saw it and honked her horn at the bear. She turned and pointed her truck at the cliff (thank goodness for no traffic at this time) and honked some more. Panicking a little, I started running with my stroller to get away quickly.

I never saw the bear, and I thanked the couple again as I continued running to make sure I had some good distance behind me and the bear.

So what I want to share is a more public thank you to the couple who noticed a mom and daughter out for a walk and took the time out of their day to help me out. What a great city we live in that people are willing to help each other out!

To those who helped me, if you are reading this or hear of this: In a world where we mostly try to keep to ourselves, you took a leap and made a difference in my life. I cannot thank you enough, but will try by “paying it forward” and helping out others.

I love Castlegar!


-Lisa Lesy,


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