I worry about the possible consequences of SOGI

I had the good fortune of attending Tuesday night's School District #72 trustees' meeting.

I worry about the possible consequences of SOGI

I had the good fortune of attending Tuesday night’s School District #72 trustees’ meeting.

Part of the agenda dealt with implementing the SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) program into our schools’ curriculum.

Being a father of three grown-up children, a grandfather of 10 youngsters and employed for many years by the school district as an educational assistant for grades K to 12, this information is of great concern to me. I do not see the merit in teaching these controversial issues to elementary grades, let alone to kindergarten children.

Undoubtedly, misinterpretation and confusion will result. These are complex issues that even adults have trouble agreeing with, as witnessed at the meeting.

One wonders why SOGI is getting preferential attention. Heterosexual people seem to be losing their identity with such indoctrination.

I cannot help but worry about the possible consequences when the wishes of our trustees are implemented… You can be assured there will be politically-correct name changing.

Our “mothers” will disappear and this Sunday’s special day will become a gender neutral “caregivers day.”

Jerry Girard

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror