ICBC’s rate hike is unfair

I object to ICBC’s planned five per cent rate increase to cover the rising costs of claims due to irresponsible distracted drivers.

Dear Editor:

I strongly object to ICBC’s planned five per cent rate increase to cover the rising costs of claims due to irresponsible distracted drivers.

These drivers should be treated as impaired drivers, bearing the brunt of punitive legislation and rate increases. When will we responsible drivers get an equivalent rate decrease?

I have had the same good driver discount as long as I have been eligible and yet, I have to pay the same rate increase every time the rates go up to cover the rising costs of claims of irresponsible drivers. Further, I drive no more than 12,000 kilometres per year,so I pay more per km for my insurance than the average driver that drives 25,000 km per year. Being on a fixed income, and I mean fixed, I literally cannot afford to pay for irresponsible drivers.

Let’s get serious with drivers who make a conscious choice to endanger the lives of other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. In the case of consciously driving distracted the first offence should cost $500, three points and double for the next offense, plus five points and loss of license for three months for any offence after that.

In the case of the conscious choice to drive distracted that results in death, a lifetime ban on driving. Forget the argument that the licence is need for work; driving is a matter of life and death and responsibility has a price.

Laurie Rockwell



Summerland Review