ICF should forget about modern rail dream

So the ICF lacks transparency, I do declare, what a surprise!

So the ICF lacks transparency, I do declare, what a surprise! Also annual meetings with meeting arrangements timed such as that, how can anything, supposedly as convoluted and full of complex details, be analyzed, then given some sort of order so that progress may be shown, in that span of time?

If board members devoted their energies to reality rather than dreaming of polished rails and modern cars moving along this derelict right of way.

May I suggest examining the possibility of a mono-rail to be duelled at a late date when the system has squired a certain number of passengers, flog off the rails to help with the cost of cement columns, foundations etc., check with the Lower Mainland for such expenditures as maintenance of machinery (cars) guarantees, speed of turn-a-rounds etc., finally costs that will be bourne by the passengers, also perhaps the government.


George Manners

Cowichan Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen