Idle No More in Nakusp either

Most people are aware of the Idle No More movement that is sweeping not only our country, but many other countries as well.

Albert Einstein once said:

“The world is a dangerous place (in which) to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

Most people are aware of the Idle No More movement that is sweeping not only our country, but many other countries as well.

We may not be able to join marches, protest rallies etc, but there are things we can can do. One example is to write on both sides of every dollar bill that passes through you hands the words “Idle No More”.

Hopefully some of these bills will eventually end up in Mr. Harper’s hand and persuade him to meet with Chief Theresa Spence who is on a hunger strike for her people. Many of whom live in terrible third world like conditions.

Let’s do something about it.

Thank you.


Hans Sparreboom

Nakusp, B.C.


Arrow Lakes News