Idle No More needs balance

NANAIMO – Re: Idle No More protest set for Maffeo Sutton, Jan. 8.

To the Editor,

Re: Idle No More protest set for Maffeo Sutton, Jan. 8.

The coverage by the Nanaimo Bulletin regarding these issues has been more than interesting.

It is heartening to see that the reporting in your news is fair, informative, and balanced.

I am writing because coverage elsewhere has been inappropriately provocative, offensive, and contributes to the divisiveness between aboriginal and white communities.

Given the complexity of the current issues related to the local Douglas Treaty, the Idle No More movement, and Chief Theresa Spence’s hunger strike, it is more important now than ever to have media that makes an honest effort to participate in truth telling.

Thank you for your efforts.

Harry and Cheryl Ward


Nanaimo News Bulletin