If he could, he’d vote for Bill Vander Zalm

Christy Clark, Adrian Dix embroiled in resource development issues

Dear Sir:

Christy Clark is so hot she’s smoking.  Too bad the voters appear to be calling the fire department to put her out.  Clark’s problem is she took her own leadership as Part B of the Campbell term and continued merrily along with no regards for voters rights, such as getting rid of the HST.

She has another fracking problem and that’s natural gas.  In fact you could call the room where her Cabinet meets as a gas chamber.

There appears to be no love lost towards her by those guys.  But she pins her hopes on the future of BC regarding fracking gas and exporting it to places like China.

China has it own natural gas; it just wants to use up our supplies until it has sucked us dry.

Clark wants short-term solutions that will only leave long-term problems.  In fact, that seems to be the business end of the dirty stick when it comes to the BC economy.  Remember what they did to forestry in the province?

Then there’s Adrian Dix who seems to be trying to tell everyone he’s so business friendly he’s willing to hide in Clark’s shadow with a message that’s he’s really a BC Liberal type running the NDP.

Is he going to get the forestry up and running; or is he going to play Russian Roulette with our oil/gas resources?

Telling voters he’s business friendly and acting like an auxiliary to BC Liberals doesn’t say anything about what he will do, eh?

I would like a government that gets real with China and reminds them pipelines to the Pacific so they can suck us dry is not the thing for our future.

Have you noticed that the XL pipeline goes from the 49th parallel to the Gulf of Mexico because voters here are against the Northern Gateway and other pipelines?

Environmentalists in the US are mad about that and suggest a shorter pipeline from Alberta to the Pacific would make more sense than polluting America’s environment with tar sands oil.

The real complaint for BC voters is there will be an oil spill at some point unless they’ve put horseshoes up their rumps.  Every time they said pipelines are 40 times safer than trains and 1,000 times safer than trucks they had a oil spill somewhere in North America.

They also say pipelines are all over the continent and they don’t spill.  But if there is a spill it would only affect a couple of acres because it would seep into the ground.  Opponents argue if dirty tar sands oil spills into water it can’t be cleaned up. So who you going to call – Christy Clark?

I would vote, at this point, for Bill Vander Zalm rather than the line-up running.  He did a good job with HST; but I’ll miss the $60 on my rebate cheque for HST.

Brian Gregg, Terrace, B.C.



Terrace Standard